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Saturday, June 10, 2006

la Coupe du Monde, la Libraririe Souterrain

You didn't know you love soccer? Well, you do. And you'll particularly love soccer on Monday at 11 AM when our boys face a tough Czech Republic side (ESPN 2). So set your VCR, TiVo, or alarm clock. Or, better yet, take an early and extended lunch break and join others like you at Meshuggah to pull for the US. And if you need additional help with this strange sport called soccer (a.k.a. football), we've got some things to help you:

1. Nick Hornby - Fever Pitch (Hornby's reflections on the ups and downs of being a fan)
2. Franklin Foer - How Soccer Explains the World (one of our best sellers--see what all the fuss is about)
3. Simon Kuper - Soccer Against the Enemy (the book that inspired Foer's work)
4. Bill Buford - Among the Thugs (chilling investigation into the dark side of fandom)

Your dear soccer fan,


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's another one for you: "National Pastime: How Americans Play Baseball and the Rest of the World Plays Soccer" by Stefan Szymanski and Andrew Zimbalist.

Insightful book on the different business plans of baseball in the US and global soccer.

7:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's Michael Davies' ridiculously entertaining blog of the World Cup. He's completely biased for England and he'll admit it. But that didn't stop him from declaring the team "absolute pants" after that ghastly first game.


10:30 AM  

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